Sun Haven 游戏

  • 中文名: 太阳港
  • 平台: Nintendo Switch
  • PC
  • 游戏类型: 农场模拟
  • 游玩人数: 1~8 人
  • 发行日期: 2023年3月11日
  • 售价: 24.99 美元
  • 官方网站:
  • 开发: Pixel Sprout Studios
  • 发行: Pixel Sprout Studios
  • 抢先体验发行日期: 2021年6月26日


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    / 6人想玩 / 15人玩过 / 3人在玩 / 1人搁置
    Build your farm and relationships with townsfolk, or forge ahead on a quest of magic, monsters, and dragons. Level up through a skill tree in 8 person multiplayer, or adventure solo!

    Sun Haven is a thriving trade town. Well, it was until recent years. Some strange events have led to the town struggling to be what it once was. While unraveling the mystery behind this and helping the town, you can be whoever you want to be - a farmer, a miner, a fisher, a warrior, a mage - the decision is yours. Your skills will grow with whatever path you choose, whether you’re raising crops and animals, engaging in RPG-style questlines, or even pursuing romantic relationships.

    But don’t forget to take a break and gather your strength! Between quests, there will be plenty of time to relax and nurture your farm within Sun Haven.

    A small journey away from Sun Haven is the monster city Withergate. Rumors about this city are spooking travelers away from outlying roads-- you’ve often heard mentions of strange creatures flocking to the city and bringing unusual technology with them. Now, you must decide if you will heed the rumors, or seek the truth yourself…




    海盗丸子 玩过 @ 2024-4-8 20:56

    5-1,不太负责的开发者就像这种的,优化水平令人无比汗颜,再新再好的硬件设施,死机都是家常便饭 // 美术风格见仁见智,增益体验像海绵挤水,每次升级或更新配备只有一点点的提升,鼓励玩家多投入时间培养角色,却无甚惊喜,很多内容太平淡了,再怎么追加可选伴侣数量也是无济于事。

    lingsama 玩过 @ 2024-1-9 12:14


    玖伊緋夜 玩过 @ 2024-1-3 14:28


    炎武 玩过 @ 2023-11-27 11:25


    HLlIlllIIl 玩过 @ 2023-7-7 13:15

    星露谷物语 青春版

    KORC 玩过 @ 2023-5-25 13:01

    像素画是精美的, 缺点部分, ui有乱, 性能有待优化, 操作僵硬

    DevilPaean 玩过 @ 2023-4-12 01:57

    2022.08.05 加个回程吧省的重进了…跳跳乐好烦啊…尤其是不支持手柄…还是第一次玩这种副魔法的种田游戏感觉还真挺新颖的…好肝啊…等正式版再继续玩吧,正好好几个技能点错了到时候重新开档…2023.04.07-14 三个城镇,三套基础素材,三套工作台,特么的有病吧…地图加载时间太长了…剧情跑来跑去烦死了…地砖铺不到楼梯就离谱…其实这游戏如果太阳港能用特种建筑种一切再改成一套基础素材的话挺好玩的…

    鹊结巢 在玩 @ 2023-4-10 08:57


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