Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions 游戏

  • 中文名: 蜘蛛侠:破碎维度
  • 开发: Beenox
  • 发行: Activision
  • 别名: スパイダーマン・シャタード ディメンション
  • 平台: PS3
  • XBOX 360
  • PC
  • Wii
  • DS
  • 游戏类型: A-AVG
  • 游玩人数: 1人
  • 发行日期: 2010-09-07


/ 10人想玩 / 40人玩过 / 1人在玩 / 1人搁置 / 5人抛弃
Mysterio attempts to steal an artifact known as "The Tablet of Order and Chaos", but is stopped by the Amazing Spider-Man, who accidentally breaks the tablet in 17 fragments. While Mysterio escapes with a fragment, Madame Web appears and reveals to Spider-Man that 12 of the fragments have been scattered to three other realities across the multiverse, including the Noir, 2099, and Ultimate universes, each of them with their own unique Spider-Man. To restore balance to the multiverse, Madame Web also recruits Spider-Man Noir, Spider-Man 2099, and a black-suited Ultimate Spider-Man to retrieve the fragments from their respective worlds. After a short tutorial, each Spider-Man easily retrieves their first fragment and returns to Madame Web, who warns them that, even shattered, the tablet can grant great powers and thus must not fall into the wrong hands. Meanwhile, Mysterio discovers that his fragment has granted him real magic powers.


《蜘蛛侠:破碎维度》游戏是一款以蜘蛛侠为题材的动作游戏,玩家在四个平行世界里,担任四位不同的蜘蛛侠打击罪犯。每位蜘蛛人都有各自不同的特殊能力与关卡设计,并且还能在打斗的过程中获得蜘蛛魂(Spider Emblems),用来解开更多招式花俏的连续攻击技。 值得一提的是,虽然每位蜘蛛侠身处的场景都设定在纽约市,但藉由不同时空的诠释与独树一格的场景风格,让玩家彻底体验到不同以往的蜘蛛侠题材游戏。

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Kumiko_0fficial 玩过 @ 2022-7-6 21:18


蓦兰 玩过 @ 2022-2-22 14:46


Naan 玩过 @ 2021-12-19 00:29


Aiden 玩过 @ 2021-6-12 22:34


月光回音 玩过 @ 2021-5-16 19:20


haruhitwins 玩过 @ 2016-6-19 19:31

四个蜘蛛侠玩法各异, 尤其是Noir的潜入非常过瘾. 总体关卡设计用心. 不过后边几关的杂兵血有点太厚了, 打着无聊...

传说的幼师 玩过 @ 2014-2-13 20:21

1.放假结束前最后一个坑 2.OK,顺利打穿,总时长8个多小时。游戏相当不错,动作性在非硬派的动作游戏中可谓出类拔萃,让人玩的时候很放松又有爽快感。四个蜘蛛侠带来了四种游戏方式,每个蜘蛛侠3关加一个教学和一个最终关使得关卡具有多样性,虽然关卡中会有稍许重复内容但无伤大雅。画面带点美式漫画渲染,我非常喜欢,蜘蛛侠全程自带吐槽,让人不会觉得无聊,对蜘蛛侠漫画还原度可谓十分高

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