55 Socks

  • 中文名: 五十五只袜子
  • 话数: 1
  • 别名: 55 chaussettes
  • 上映年度: 2011
  • 片长: 8分钟
  • 导演: Co Hoedeman
  • 製作: National Film Board of Canada


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Based on a poem by Marie Jacobs, the animated short 55 Socks, by Oscar-winning director Co Hoedeman, pays tribute to the ingenuity of the Dutch people during a dark period of their history - the winter of hunger of 1944-45. It's the closing months of the war in occupied Holland and some women unravel a beautiful bedspread in order to knit 55 socks to barter for food. Reaching back into his childhood memories, Hoedeman has made a simple, poetic film of rare beauty.




Naota Nandaba 想看 @ 14h 1m ago

加拿大电影局短片 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1yW411k74N

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