54 Hours

  • 中文名: 五十四小时
  • 上映年度: 2014
  • 片长: 13分钟
  • 官方网站: https://www.nfb.ca/film/54_hours/
  • 导演: Bruce Alcock / Paton Francis
  • 编剧: Michael Crummey
  • 集数: 1
  • 製作: National Film Board of Canada


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章节列表 [全部]:
    This short animation is a remarkably vivid account of the 1914 tragedy in which 132 men were stranded on the ice during a severe snowstorm off the coast of Newfoundland. 78 men froze to death on the pack ice. In the spring of 1914, the last of the wooden seal hunting ships in a steel-dominated industry was the Newfoundland, manned by men from across the province. The ship was unable to reach a seal pack due to its lack of ice-breaking power, and 132 men were ordered off the boat and onto the ice to hunt. The ship had no radio equipment, and the men spent two unbearable nights on the ice. Survivor testimony, striking archival materials, weather visualizations, inventive animation and puppetry are seamlessly blended to recreate this harrowing ordeal.




    Naota Nandaba 想看 @ 14h 27m ago


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