Graphic Storytelling and Visual Narrative

  • 中文名: 绘画故事和视觉叙事
  • 出版社: Poorhouse Press、上海人民美术出版社易博士出版
    • 别名:
    • 台版 圖像說故事與視覺敘事
  • 价格: US$22.99
  • 发售日: 1996-10-03
  • 页数: 164
  • ISBN: 9780961472832
  • 作者: Will Eisner
  • 译者: 忻雁、蔡宜容


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      A companion to Comics & Sequential Art, this book takes the principles examined in that title and applies them to the process of graphic storytelling. Eisner shows comic artists, filmmakers and graphic designers how to craft stories in a visual medium. They'll also learn why mastering the basics of storytelling is far more important than the hollow flash and dazzle seen in lesser work. Readers will learn everything from the fine points of graphic storytelling to the big picture of the comics medium, including how to: * Use art that enhances your story, rather than obscuring it * Wield images like narrative tools * Write and illustrate effective dialogue * Develop ideas that can be turned into dynamic stories These lessons and more are illustrated with storytelling samples from Eisner himself along with other comic book favorites, including Pulitzer Prize-winner Art Spiegelman, Robert Crumb, Milton Caniff and Al Capp.




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