Dark Ghost RPG 游戏

  • 平台: PC
  • 游戏类型: 动作、冒险、角色扮演
  • 游戏引擎: Unreal
  • 游玩人数: 1
  • 发行日期: 2018-04-17
  • 售价: $5.99
  • 官方网站: https://store.steampowered.com/app/837530/Dark_Ghost_RPG/
  • 开发商: Nikita "Ghost_RUS"
  • 发行: Ghost_RUS Games


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    1488, the whole world is plunged into darkness, the plague kills all living things at a rapid pace, there are no practical people left, all have turned into skeletons and monsters, a real apocalypse has come, the state of Kuvandykia is almost exterminated, only the king and the old prisoner who was imprisoned The prison for killing everyone and praying to Satan. The king releases the prisoner and gives him an uneasy task - to find out if there is a place in the world where there is no plague and darkness. The cons nothing left, how to agree.
    Together with the old prisoner, go on a hard and big trip to find the legendary land where there is no plague and darkness. You will have a difficult and interesting journey through the vast Kuvandikia. Also you will find a lot of pain and suffering, because you will die from 2-3 attacks of enemies
    -Game: hardcore RPG
    -Powerful engine with beautiful graphics Unreal Engine
    -Different locations and levels
    -You will have a lot of pain and suffering, because you will die from 2-3 attacks of enemies
    -Setting: The Middle Ages in the Alternative Reality
    -There is a upgrade of the character (you canupgrade health, strength, stamina), its levels, the system of experience (experience is charged for killing enemies)
    -Control points - bonfires
    -Good atmospheric soundtrack

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