Dark Seed II 游戏

  • 中文名: 黑暗之蛊2
  • 开发商: Cyberdreams、 Destiny Software Productions, Inc.、 Destiny Media Technologies
  • 发行: Cyberdreams、 万代影视、 B-Factory
  • 制作人: David Mullich
  • 游戏设计师: Raymond Benson
  • 平台: Microsoft Windows、 PlayStation、 SEGA Saturn、 DOS、 麦金塔操作系统、 Classic Mac OS
  • 游戏类型: 文字冒险avg
  • 游玩人数: 1
  • 发行日期: 1995


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      Behemoth before it can cross over, become invincible and grow to a gigantic size that can allow it to encompass the earth and eradicate humanity in a single blow.

      Afterwards, he destroys the generator using the Light and the Sword, killing the Ancients in the process. Mike then wakes up in Dr. Sims' office, finding Sims dead and Jack greeting him. Mike accuses Jack of being the Shape Shifter; Jack declares that he and Mike are the same person—either being his Dark World counterpart or an alternate personality—and dares Mike to try and kill him. Mike fights Jack, and is killed. Sheriff Butler and his deputy arrive, and, mysteriously unable to see Jack, rule that Mike committed the murders before committing suicide. Jack is last seen riding his motorcycle in the Dark World, telling the player he'll see them around; it is left ambiguous whether or not the events of the game really happened, or if the Dark World was a delusion conjured by Mike.




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