Mr.President! 游戏

  • 中文名: 总统先生!
  • 平台: PC
  • 开发: Game Developer X
  • 发行: Game Developer X
  • 游戏引擎: Unity
  • 游戏类型: ACT
  • 游玩人数: 单人
  • 发行日期: 2016-10-10
  • 售价: 37.00元
  • 社交媒体:


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    / 1人想玩 / 6人玩过 / 1人抛弃
    Mr.President! Can you take a bullet for the soon to be President of the United States of America?! You play as Dick “Rock-Hard” Johnson a bulletproof man, the best bodyguard money can buy. He is sworn to protect the most hated presidential candidate of all time Ronald Rump.

    Liberal media has rigged the election and tarnished his glowing public image, now they are trying to end his life. You need to leap, flip, fling, roll, and many other verbs to get in between Rump and certain death. If Rump dies, Who is going to pay for your Netflix sub? How are you going to pay for your lifetime of student loans or over inflated medical bills? Where will you get the money for another dumb physics game? YOU BETTER SAVE THE MAN OR YOU DON'T GET THE MONEY! It is your American duty to protect, serve, and live by the mighty dollar, because money is the only true sign of someone’s worth.

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    fuochai 玩过 @ 2024-7-25 15:16

    还是挺好玩的 但是狙击手那关竟然是重置存档我是没想到的 主线打完了擂台还差一点直接给我重置了 当年刚出就买了 玩到后面很难的不会了 前段时间(事件前)下回来重玩的

    明天早上吃什么? 玩过 @ 2024-7-14 22:49


    千葉量 玩过 @ 2024-7-14 14:02

    潮鸣汐奏 玩过 @ 2024-7-14 10:52


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