Playing Kafka 游戏


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    The definitive Kafka videogame

    Although you did nothing wrong, you were arrested one morning. You arrived for work, but you don’t recognize your assistants. And your upbringing left you with a pervasive sense of guilt. Welcome to Playing Kafka, an adventure about the alienation of modern society as well as unresolved family issues. The game adapts three works of the famously absurdist writer and was created with leading Kafka experts.

    Can you manage to win an unfair trial? Is the job even real? Can you escape your father’s crushing presence? How do you move forward, when all solutions are obfuscated by a web of unclear rules and machinations…

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    NaturNotweNdigkeit 玩过 @ 2024-6-7 03:44

    舞台與文本設計得相當還原,動作交互的設計以及場景細節的表現不乏巧妙之處,充滿"精細"感(例:墻壁的Kafka畫作與經典服裝設計、以空間分割故事)的舞台裝置。——In the end,“You should let me die."...複數選項之中的空間(留白的遐思)。或許達成了某種再見。

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