Lost Island 游戏

  • 平台: PC
  • 游戏类型: Survival
  • 游玩人数: 1
  • 发行日期: 2022年2月3日
  • 开发: Valkeala Software, Ruskija game experience
  • 发行: Tero Lunkka, Valkeala Software


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      You are trapped at Island. Your mission is to survive and collect food and drink so not to die. Also beware enemies who try to kill you. Collect weapons like sword,pistols etc to fight against enemies. Also there are 2 Smith guys at Island. They have you 2 missions where they need help: 1. Finding missing item and
      2. Saving kidnapped scientists. Also collecting 13 golden camp fires player get steam achievements.
      So be a hero and try to survive alone at this big Island

      - Enemies with weapons
      - Golden campfires hidden. Collecting those gives steam achievements
      - Hungry/Thirst system. Collect food and drink to restore hungry/thirst
      - Different weapons like sword,knife,pistol etc
      - Lot of collectables like hats etc
      - Drivable car
      - 2 different missions: Find missing item and save captured scientists




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