Guderian's Blitzkrieg: The Drive on Moscow 桌游

  • 中文名: 古德里安的闪电战:向莫斯科进军
  • 游戏类型: War Game
  • 游玩人数: 1-2,最佳2
  • 发行日期: 1992
  • 设计师: Dean Essig
  • 出版商: The Gamers


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    Guderian's Blitzkrieg - The Drive on Moscow, September 21 to December 20, 1941, is a game of the Fall, 1941 campaign to take the Soviet capital of Moscow. It features the advance of the right flank of Army Group Center consisting of the 2nd Army, 4th Army, 2nd Panzer Group and, for a time, 4th Panzer Group, from late September to late December, 1941.

    While this is not quite a monster game, but it comes close with some 1260 counters, two 22x34" maps, and eight scenarios just to name a few of the components. This is the first game of Operational Combat System (OCS) series from The Gamers and deals with the drive on Moscow in 1941. While Guderian's Blitzkrieg is not intended for the novice game player, it is definitely worth taking a look at.

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    Desirable 在玩 @ 1h 9m ago

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