Voltron: The Third Dimension TV

  • 中文名: 星际争霸战
  • 话数: 26
  • 放送开始: 1998年9月12日
  • 脚本: Marc Handler
  • 原案: Marc Handler
  • 播放电视台: NBCUniversal
  • 播放结束: 2000年2月19日


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    From days of long ago, from uncharted regions of the universe, comes a legend, the legend of Voltron. A mighty robot, loved by good, feared by evil. As Voltron’s legend grew, peace settled across the galaxy. But then the evil Prince Lotor escaped from his prison in deep space. He formed a secret alliance with Hagar, Mistress of Dark Magic. And together, they summoned awesome forces of fear and destruction, threatening the universe with new horrible menaces. Voltron was needed once again. Now comes the story of a super force of space explorers, specially trained and sent by the highest echelon of the Galaxy Alliance to bring back Voltron. This is Voltron: The Third Dimension.

    — Narrator during the opening sequence
    With antagonist Prince Lotor's escape from prison, the heroic Voltron Force re-assemble against him, but must contend simultaneously with the various monsters and warships sent by Lotor (at times, captained by him) and with opposition on their own side, represented by the artificial intelligence "Amalgamus", a sophisticated computer who objects periodically to the Voltron Force's methods.

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