Lurk in the Dark : Prologue 游戏

    • 平台: PC
  • 游戏类型: 恐怖/动作
  • 游玩人数: 1
  • 发行日期: 2019-11-08
  • 售价: Free
  • 官方网站:


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    / 3人玩过
    A town flourished with woodworking and mining, "Babel's Hill Top". A Ruggles family who contributed greatly to the development of this town several centuries ago. The tragedy that happened at the residence of them. In this residence where blood and hatred are ingrained, their nightmare begins.

    ■ First ■

    ■ Lurk in the Dark is a story based FPS horror.
    The currently released free version is
    the first part of Episode : THE GUILTY.
    Play time is assumed to be about 45-60 minutes.

    ■ If you clear the game, you can watch movies that lead
    to the second part of the Episode : THE GUILTY and the main story.
    For more information on future stories and distribution, please see the official website.

    ■ Everyone who uses English.
    First I'm sorry.
    The English in the game is very strange!
    This game is mostly made by only one Japanese.
    After successful crowdfunding, we will use the perfect translator and voice actor.
    Really sorry...!

    ■ Game play videos can be freely distributed.
    We would like to watch your game play video, so if you can
    please contact us at [email protected]

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    轻舞飞扬 玩过 @ 2020-4-16 05:56

    一般吓人,Jump scare的地方鬼还没整出活来我先猜到了所以就没有特别害怕//剧情可

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