God Mode 游戏

  • 中文名: 上帝模式
  • 平台: PC
  • 游戏类型: TPS


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    Do you like running? How about gunning? What if special abilities are thrown into the mix? Upgradable weapons? Let's say there’re dozens of on-screen enemies to unleash this firepower on, and as your reward for dispatching them you get experience and gold to collect that can be used for character customization and new equipment--all the while playing alongside friends in 4-player cooperative play! If you like the sound of all this, then you'll love God Mode.

    Retro shooter action and RPG elements are combined in this new downloadable third-person shooter. God Mode combines non-linear gameplay, fast and frantic shooting, hordes of on-screen enemies, a fully functional online coop mode, and features visuals and gameplay that rival that of a full-priced boxed title. Matches rarely--if ever--play out the same, as dozens of in-game modifiers can significantly alter the gameplay on the fly. Characters are fully customizable, both in appearance and equipment, which continually evolve. Gold and experience are constantly accrued and used to unlock new and satisfying weaponry and unique powerful abilities, both of which can be further upgraded.

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    by 从前有个小朋友 2014-4-10 03:24 (+0)
    优点:场景设计有代入感,怪物类型比较丰富,怪物都很有特色和有型 缺点:武器少(不实用的武器占多数),地图少(才5张地图),只有一种游戏模式,渣射击手感,联机有可能会有bug,无脑型游戏。 我觉得这游戏评价不怎么好,和不思进取的开发商是脱离不了干系的。开发商修复bug的速度慢,而 ... (more)



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