• ninelie

    2016-05-11 / Aimer with chelly(EGOIST)

    2019-9-5 / 标签: Aimer 澤野弘之 EGOIST 2016 泽野弘之 chelly

  • All Alone With You

    2013-03-06 / EGOIST

    2019-9-5 / 标签: EGOIST PSYCHO-PASS chelly

  • The Everlasting Guilty Crown

    2012-03-07 / EGOIST (chelly)

    2019-9-5 / 标签: supercell 罪恶王冠 ryo EGOIST

  • 名前のない怪物

    2012-12-05 / EGOIST

    2019-9-5 / 标签: 2012 PSYCHO-PASS EGOIST ryo 心理测量者

  • 行星生物 Extra terrestrial Biological Entities

    2012-09-19 / EGOIST

    2019-9-5 / 标签: EGOIST supercell chelly ryo VOCAL