Ulfar 乌尔法

  • 简体中文名: 乌尔法
  • 性别:
  • CV: Oliver Smith
  • 家园世界: 芬里斯
  • 起源: 阿斯塔特修会
  • 职业: 士兵——首席战士
  • 信念: 教条主义


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    “Before becoming an Astartes, I dreamed of becoming a skjald, a keeper of stories. At feasts, I often sing of my brothers' exploits. Thousands are stored in my memory. When I am near, Wolves fight even more ferociously, for they know their deeds will be immortalised.”

    Wrathful Ulfar stepped on the hunting path many decades ago, and ever since, a trail of blood has followed in his wake. With a triumphant howl, he thunders into every fight without fear - for there is no fear of death for one whose saga will be forever sung with reverence by their brothers in the Hall of the Great Wolf.

    His violent temper and youthful craving for fame and boasting have not simmered with years of campaigns. His loud laughter instills awe in the hearts of ordinary mortals, and his stern roar wrings horror from his enemies. His memory is as strong as the jaws of a wolf, holding the saga of each battle-brother and his every deed.

    Though he excels in all forms of warfare, his Fenrisian nature beckons him into close combat, where he can stare into the eyes of his dying prey.

