Abigail Dalsing 艾比盖尔

  • 简体中文名: 艾比盖尔
  • 性别:
  • 生日: 11月2日
  • 引用来源: vndb.org/v21957/chars#chars


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    For the last two centuries, the ghost of a young woman has haunted the forests of Eysenfeld. That ghost is Abigail, a kind and playful soul forcibly bound to the forest as part of an ancient curse.

    Two hundred years of wishing for a life cruelly denied to her have led to a feeling of crushing loneliness and one overwhelming desire: to finally have someone to talk to.

    Hobbies: Painting, singing
    Likes: Animals, snowy days, little cheek kisses
    Dislikes: Silence, fire, sudden loud noises
    Fun fact: Absolutely terrified of ghost stories

