Hisami Kondo

  • 性别:
  • 生日: 3月20日
  • 身高: 172cm
  • 体重: 60kg
  • 引用来源: vndb.org/v20443/chars#chars


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    谁收藏了Hisami Kondo?

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    Likes: Relaxing trendy stuff, sweets
    Dislikes: Overworking, annoying customers

    A chill guy and Tomoki's "best friend". Easy going and cheerful, he likes teasing Tomoki a lot. He has the tendency to screw up a lot of his work leaving Tomoki to deal with it. He may have a conniving personality at times.

    A fellow accountant like Tomoki in Schwarz Bank. Having arrived at the same time as Tomoki, he's grown attached to him. Though he seems lazy, he actually does a good job if he actually tries. He often avoids doing overtime work, leaving Tomoki with more tasks than he has to. Despite his attitude, he seems to genuinely like Tomoki... maybe?

    An easygoing and cheerful person, he is also a friend-chaser, knowing a lot of places and spots that are popular in Morningwood City, including Full Service Spa.

    He is a close coworker with Tomoki in Schwarz Bank. They often spend time together during daytime in the office.

