
  • 性别:
  • 生日: 4月2日
  • 引用来源: https://toyhou.se/batensan/characters/folder:2490820/order:name


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    Age        20
    An efficient and curt honor student, he actually does well in teamwork despite the frequent verbal arguments he gets into. Unafraid of talking down to superiors abusing their authority, Henri has always been one to stand up to bullies. As a result, despite his seemingly no-nonsense exterior, people his age and younger get along with him very well.

    He has a huge crush on Iris but has no idea what to do with his feelings. Beecause of this, he ends up yelling blatantly tsundere exclamations at her. Mikhail and Kann are always prodding him to do something about it, or at least face his feelings.

