I-DUEL: A Battle for Stardom! 游戏

  • 平台: PC
  • 游戏类型: BL Visual Novel、Role Playing、Simulation
  • 游玩人数: 1
  • 售价: $15
  • 官方网站: https://jinxiee-games.itch.io/i-duel-a-battle-for-stardom
  • https://www.i-duelproject.com/
  • https://iduelproject.tumblr.com/
  • https://lemmasoft.renai.us/forums/viewtopic.php?t=54297
  • https://lemmasoft.renai.us/forums/viewtopic.php?t=52671
  • 开发: Jinxiee Games
  • 发行: Jinxiee Games
  • 导演: mjinxlei
  • 剧本: mjinxlei、Crystal
  • 人物设定: Kiri (Toxicmilkk)
  • 作画监督: Kiri (Toxicmilkk)
  • 音乐: Lydia Primate
  • 主题歌作词: Lydia Primate
  • 主题歌作曲: Lydia Primate
  • 程序: Hadwig
  • 原画: Arisa Chibara
  • LOGO: kathaeris
  • 协力: Silver (编辑和校对)


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      BL VN/RPG featuring Idol schoolboys. Battle your way up to stardom and more!

      A hybrid Yaoi Visual Novel and Role Playing Game, players control the protagonist (default name: Yuuki Nekota) as he attends the prestigious Andromeda Academy, a school for male Idols. Upon arriving, he realizes that the Academy uses virtual simulation technology known as the I-DUEL System to manage and evaluate their students. The I-DUEL Battle is a core aspect in this System, where two or more Idols duke it out on a simulated stage with the intent of "knocking out" the competition. To climb the ladder to stardom, the protagonist must use his time wisely to attend classes, train each of the six unique Idol Stats and win as many I-DUEL Battles as possible, using clothing and accessories known as I-Décors to get ahead! The end goal is to emerge victorious in the Academy's year-end musical festival of stars, the Dream Idol Coronation (DIC)!

      However, there's more to school than studying to be the very best! The main character can form friendships, rivalries and even romances with their schoolmates! There are twelve major characters that can be dated, each with their own unique personalities, principles and plot progression to follow! These same people can also be partnered up on I-DUEL Battles, forming parties known as Idol Units! One such Idol Unit is MYTH4, with their current titles as Crown Princes, having won the previous year's DIC. A member of this Unit even has a connection to our protagonist - the Unit leader Sora Torao, who once helped him out from a bind and inspired him to take the arduous path of an Idol!

      Even with his days busy with classes, clubs and cultivating closeness with his companions, the protagonist also struggles with a unique power only bestowed to him - the Copycat. Though an Idol possesses an I-Bility - a special yet exclusive skill that can trigger in I-DUEL Battles - the main character has the rare and mysterious gift of learning and using more than one. Why did the I-DUEL System grant this peculiar but incredible power to him? What kind of legacy will you lead him to? His fate splits into many roads, which one is the right path to take?

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