Rogue Fable III 游戏

  • 平台: PC
  • 游戏类型: Rogue
  • 游玩人数: 1
  • 发行日期: 2021-12-22
  • 售价: $9.99
  • Steam:
  • 开发: Pixel Forge Games
  • 发行: Pixel Forge Games


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      The legendary Goblet of Yendor, some say it grants immortality, but others say its infinite power will drive you to madness. Rumored to be made of solid gold, inlaid with gems of incredible beauty and size, it will surely fetch a fortune on the black market. Many a rogue and scoundrel, lured by dreams of endless riches, have set out to steal the illusive artifact from the depths of the Dungeon of Dread. None have survived, will you be the first to succeed?

      Rogue Fable III captures the challenge, tactics, depth and complexity of classic roguelikes but with a modern interface that minimizes the learning curve for new players, and allows veteran roguelike fans to quickly get up to speed. The game was designed to be winnable in under an hour while still retaining the deep gameplay and wealth of content that the genre is famous for. While very challenging at times, every run is ultimately winnable and a true test of player skill and knowledge.





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