The Cask of Amontillado WEB

  • 中文名: 一桶白葡萄酒
  • 话数: 1
  • 放送开始: 2014年10月18日
  • 原作: Edgar Allan Poe
  • 导演: William Joyce、Joe Bluhm
  • 脚本: Joe Bluhm、Vanesa R. Del Rey、William Joyce、Adam Volker
  • 片长: 11分钟
  • 类型: 短片、惊悚
  • 制片人: Iddo Lampton Enochs Jr.
  • 执行制片人: Larry Berger
  • 剪辑: Calvin O'Neal Jr.
  • 音乐: John Hunter
  • 动画制作: Moonbot Studios


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    Deep beneath the streets of Italy lie the catacombs of the Montresors, filled with barrels of wine and the bones of the dead. One evening, friends Fortunado and Montresor venture below the city with promises of the rare vintage wine Amontillado. Based on the short story by Edgar Allen Poe, Fortunado and Montresor find themselves in a web of betray and revenge, changing their friendship forever.

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