Colony Ship: A Post-Earth Role Playing Game 游戏

  • 中文名: 殖民船团
  • 游戏类型: RPG
  • 游玩人数: 1
  • 发行日期: 2021年4月6日
  • 售价: US$23.99(EA)


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    / 2人想玩 / 1人玩过

    你永遠無法感會藍天下的暖陽,永遠聽不到樹間的風息,永遠不得在大海裡游泳,僅因你不幸地在船上降生,被束縛在不得擇的命運裡。 不要選擇。 你從未見過地球,也永遠不會見到比鄰星。 你注定要以使命的名義在這艘船上生死存亡,就像你之前的父親一樣,就如他往昔的祖輩一樣。

    It is the Year of Our Lord 2754…

    You will never feel the sun’s warmth under a blue sky, never hear the wind in the branches of a tree, and never swim in the ocean, all because you had the misfortune to be born on the Ship, chained to a fate you didn’t choose. You have never seen Earth and you’ll never see Proxima Centauri either. You’re doomed to live and die on the Ship in the name of the Mission, like your father before you, like his father before him.

    The Ship is old. She had already been twenty years in service when she was rechristened Starfarer - a pretty name for a retrofitted interplanetary freighter. No one is certain the Ship will actually reach its destination, and nobody much cares, since no one alive now will live to see it. Might as well get on with your life and try to make the best of it.

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