U'll Never Know

  • 厂牌: Omniset Records
  • 编曲: aran、wisefake、Notor303
  • 版本特性: OSR-0015
  • 发售日期: 2021-11-27
  • 价格: 30元
  • 播放时长: 28m
  • 碟片数量: 1
  • 艺术家: Ninelo(Brian Finn)
  • 母带: aran
  • 风格: House


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    • Cfox
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每天我们打开社交网络,都被迫观看人与人之间的激烈争端。U’ll Never Know是一个“解决”。是对紧张的静止的打破。

    Ninelo, a.k.a. Brian Finn, has been producing some of our best House & Electronica music ever since the label was found. Following the Tell Me If I Ever Failed U EP, which received a great support from Bandcamp Daily, he is back this time with another EP called U'll Never Know.
        It's almost 2 years since the pandemic. And we've been forced to witness too many quarrels and conflicts, online or in person. "You'll never know..." acts like a powerless resistance, an irresponsible attempt to end the conversation. The quarrels are over, but they never end. We are still walking on the way where unhappy dramas happen over and over again, until the day we can finally throw our pride and bias away and sit down to talk.
        The EP is joined with Japanese artist aran and Toronto based project wisefake with two remix works. aran reinterprets the melodies in his gorgeous style of sound. And wisefake does a misty take with a heavy use of delay effect.
        Besides U'll Never Know, And Then the Sun Rises is included as the coupling tune, in which Ninelo plays around with the 808 drums. A vintage sounding pluck bounces above the airy drum drum grooves. And everything is wrapped in a warm pad, making it the best morning alarm.
        Finally, the pack is completed by Notor303's remix for Brian Finn's Shelter, taken from Long-quan Lou EP. The remix leads us into a cyber shelter, where a huge amount of different minds unconsciously comes into a few similar patterns, creating a chaotic harmony.

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