Dragon Age: The Calling 小说

  • 中文名: 龙腾世纪:召礼
  • 作者: David Gaider
  • 出版社: Tor Books
  • 发售日: 2009年10月13日
  • 页数: 448
  • ISBN: 978 0 7653 2409 2


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    In Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne, Maric sets out on a mission of vengeance, against the faithless lords who were responsible for his mother's death. Now, having reclaimed the throne, King Maric finally allows the legendary Grey Wardens to return to Ferelden after two hundred years of exile. When they come, however, they bring dire news: one of their own has escaped into the Deep Roads and aligned himself with their ancient enemy, the monstrous darkspawn. The Grey Wardens need Maric's help to find him. He reluctantly agrees to lead them into the passages he traveled through years before, chasing after a deadly secret that will threaten to destroy not only the Grey Wardens, but also the Kingdom above.

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    by 常夜 2022-7-30 10:41 (+0)
    1、有跑团小说的风味。整体看得比《被盗的王座》开心。一是很多细节跟本篇呼应了,二是登场角色较多,不需要像《王座》那样靠狗血四角恋吊着读者兴致,情感发展也自然很多。 2、发售日期竟早于《起源》,个别细节跟续作游戏对不上也情有可原(例如菲奥娜的瞳色)。 不过 ... (more)



    常夜 读过 @ 2022-7-26 22:06


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