Rectify Season 2

ep.1 Running With the Bull

时长:00:46:10 / 首播:2014-06-19
Picking up where "Jacob's Ladder" left off, Daniel remains sleeping next to Kerwin's empty cell when an apparition of Kerwin appears. Later, Wendall wakes Daniel up and torments him while masturbating, revealing that he participated in Daniel's shower rape, though Daniel was unconscious at the time. While Daniel tries to shut Wendall out with a mantra, he is unable to and screams in anguish. Later he has covered up his window and refuses to leave his room. An extraction team is sent in to forcibly remove Daniel. In the present day, Daniel is comatose in an Atlanta hospital following his beating. Amantha and Judy sit at his bedside, and Amantha decides she wants a gun, then fantasizes about murdering the townsfolk of Paulie, starting with Judy Dean. Bobby Dean returns home to his mother, Judy, after beating Daniel. Judy appears happy to see him and offers him dinner. Sheriff Dagget insists on pursuing Daniel's attackers, despite the reluctance of his partner Lid Comphrey, and possible backlash from the Paulie community. The truck driven by the attackers is identified as belonging to Jake Johnson, a friend of Bobby Dean. Daggett interviews Johnson, implying he has more evidence than he actually does. Trey goes to a shed in his backyard, where he has stored George Melton's wallet, with his I.D., and the gun he used to kill himself. At the hospital, Amantha and Janet wait by Daniel's side. They are joined by Tawny, who wishes to see Daniel. Ted Jr. is reluctant to visit his stepbrother, using the excuse that he might create a hostile environment there. Ted Jr. has an awkward encounter with Tawny while scrutinizing his bruised neck from when Daniel assaulted him, as he lies about the cause of his neck injury and won't let Tawny examine it. He also insists on getting new coffee for the tire store. Amantha is visited at the hospital by Melvin, her landlord and a friend of Daniel, who offers Daniel a chocolate turtle. Janet insists that Ted Jr. visit Daniel, and he does so. When left alone with Daniel, Ted notices the mechanic figurine on a nearby table. He appears to brandish it while standing over Daniel. When Amantha arrives, Ted sets it down and she regards him with suspicion. The comatose Daniel has a dream in which he brings Kerwin to the pecan grove, where the statue has lost its head. Daniel expresses reluctance to return to the real world, which is full of pain and suffering. Kerwin tells Daniel it's his choice, but says he loves him either way before departing cheerfully.
