
来了 http://thephilosophicalsalon.com/beyond-a-neoconservative-communism/

2年10月前 via web

  • @muon 渺子 - 某种意义上可以证明之前泄露的演讲稿是齐写的?
  • @tmpfs - 重新写了结尾,把绝对反冲的那一坨鬼话删除了,新要点:With the neoconservative turn in China, a whole cycle of emancipatory politics has closed. ... there are moments when the only choice is the one between heresy and non-belief, when the only way to keep a religion alive is to perform a sectarian split from its main corpse. ... So is China for over half a century following a gigantic New Economic Policy? Instead of making fun of these measures or simply denouncing them as a defeat of Socialism, as a step towards (authoritarian) capitalism, we should take the risk of extending this logic to its extreme. ...what if we make the opposite move and define capitalism itself as a socialist New Economic Policy, as a passage from feudalism (or premodern societies of domination in general) to socialism?
  • @tmpfs - This, then, is the true alternative today: neither (capitalism vs socialism) nor (liberal democracy vs Rightist populism) but what kind of post-capitalism, (corporate neo-feudalism vs socialism). Will capitalism ultimately be just a passage from lower to higher stage of feudalism or will it be a passage from feudalism to socialism.
  • @tmpfs - 这有两点:第一,齐泽克重新划了主轴,capitalism vs socialism是1950-1989,liberal democracy vs Rightist populism是2008-2020,corporate neo-feudalism vs socialism是从今往后;第二,平台资本主义代表了封建-资本主义-更高级的封建的历史发展,中特社代表了封建-资本主义-社会主义的历史发展。
  • @304246 Rくん - neo-feudalism有那么一点周期律的感觉了b39