如何保存Windows的外观和其他若干设置, 以便离线编辑, 以及有选择地迁移部署?

2023-4-8 11:28 (+0)
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\InputMethod\Chs %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Ime\15.0\IMETC %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Ime\15.0\IMEJP 以上三个目录里 ... (more)

unfrequent app

2023-2-22 21:10 (+0)
uni2ascii dmitry dtach ethstatus iptraf funcoeszz foremost horst hping3 debsecan netdiscover arp-scan testdisk photorec ugrep cmodpwd droopy (more)

public rdate service

2023-2-17 22:59 (+0)
time.nist.gov wwv.nist.gov rdate.cpanel.net (more)

package manager of programming languages

2022-9-16 14:44 (+0)
perl -MCPAN -Mlocal::lib -e 'CPAN::install(Math::FFT)' ~/.cpan/CPAN/MyConfig.pm <div class="codeHighlight"><pre> $CPAN::Config = { 'urllist' => [ 'http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu ... (more)

kvm switch, usb dock, ethernet switch

2021-9-28 01:31 (+0)
有的键盘是集成usb hub的。也有集成了ethernet和 (more)

swap bug

2021-6-11 08:16 (+0)
<div class="codeHighlight"><pre>xdotool search 'Diablo II' windowactivate key F7 sleep 0.5 key w mousedown 1 sleep 0.5 keydown w keydown F8 keyup w keyup F8 mouseup 1</pre></div> ... (more)
Tags: 游戏

A tour to apache-maven, and how to use it with debian java libs

2021-5-14 14:34 (+0)
For real simple scripts, they can run with `java Hello.java`, or `java --source 11 Hello.java` if not. And they can be saved without ".java" suffix and with shebang: #!/usr/bin/ja ... (more)

Survey of cross language rpc api codegen & typechecker & linter

2021-5-10 18:31 (+0)
api spec formats: . openapi (a.k.a swagger) . tools: .bad openapi-generator-cli (openapi multi lang codegen) `npm install openapi-generator-cli` `openapi-generator-cli genera ... (more)

Survey of rdbms

2021-5-9 09:45 (+0)
Criteria: easy invocation: a la `db --file $file -- create user $user password $pass_phrase` `db --file $file --srv :$port` (more)

Yet another tutorial to angular and antdesign

2021-5-8 17:25 (+0)
## ~/.npmrc # There is an outstanding issue @angular/cli not honoring .npmrc # https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/issues/10624 registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org/ prefix= ... (more)

