Doctor Who (series 12)

ep.10 The Timeless Children

时长:45m / 首播:2020-03-01

吐槽箱 6

#1 - 2020-3-2 17:58
(Dream a dream)
#2 - 2020-3-3 14:51
(All the while the memories come in like the tide)
总体还成 只可惜13还是没黑彻底 最后那里炸了就好了【
#3 - 2020-3-22 13:46
(You are not brave. Men are brave.)
#4 - 2022-11-9 21:33
#5 - 2023-1-13 03:14
关于 Doctor Who 之前的剧集中 Doctor 究竟是怎么打破 12 次 regeneration 的限制的? 有点不记得了... 但是刚看 S12 最后一集, 又搞出来个 The Timeless Children, 来源直接成未知了, 本体都不再是 Gallifrey 人了, 甚至 Gallifrey 人的重生能力都来自于 他/她.

找了一篇文章, 好吧, 我也忘了 11 任是怎么走的了 (bgm38)
Originally, the Doctor had only 12 regenerations to spare. However, in the Battle of Trenzalore, the Eleventh Doctor is granted a new set of lives by the Time Lords. It isn’t said how many regenerations this new cycle has, but it is implied to be another set of 12.

And then along came “The Timeless Children” and changed everything once again. According to the episode, the Timeless Child had the ability to regenerate endlessly, but Tecteun decided to limit the Time Lords’ number of regenerations when sharing the child’s “gift” with them. Since the Timeless Child turned out to be the Doctor, it is pretty hard to say how many lives this madman in a box still has.
#6 - 2023-1-13 03:18
By the Way, 我家的 Wi-Fi SSID 一直是 Gallifrey. 可惜这么多年来从来没人问过为什么取这样一个(奇怪的)名字, 作为 Doctor Who 粉的你们肯定不用提示也知道密码是什么吧 (精神 Doctor Who 粉, 实际上剧情已经忘差不多了