銀河鉄道の夜 剧场版

  • 瞌睡喵喵

    2024-5-4 13:34

  • Netsukawa Aoi

    2024-5-3 17:17

  • 美树蘑菇

    2024-5-3 17:14

  • 克邪

    2024-5-2 15:52

  • HUMI_F

    2024-4-24 19:15

  • thanks4playing

    2024-4-22 21:56

    期望很高,但观影体验并没有跟上。影片节奏过于慢,加上身体不适,所以看的时候并没有很好地代入。B站的片源有严重的音画不同步,但可惜找不到其他版本了。 //氛围很令人享受,是让人浮想联翩的故事,但电影本身还是有种晦涩难懂不明所以的感觉,感觉是面向看过原著的观众的。 //至少的确引起了我对原著的兴趣...
  • 乌龟

    2024-4-21 15:25

  • 奇迹之海

    2024-4-20 00:01

  • 二风吟

    2024-4-18 17:09

  • 水上由岐

    2024-4-17 19:56

  • Lin+

    2024-4-10 12:25

  • 弓道场的人偶姬

    2024-4-9 17:43

  • huanzsz

    2024-4-4 21:55

  • 南山忆墨

    2024-4-3 12:32

  • Black Dog

    2024-4-3 02:47

    This is the place. Sit down you're safe now. You've been stuck in a lift. We've been trying to reach you, thom. It won't hurt again. The smell of air conditioning. Fish are belly up. Empty all your pockets. Cause it's time to come home. You've been stuck in a lift. In the belly of a whale. At the bottom of ocean. Today is the first day of rest of your day. So lighten up squirt.
  • 梦太假

    2024-3-22 21:07

  • 骨头耶

    2024-3-18 06:53

  • ····

    2024-3-18 00:16

  • suika_resona

    2024-3-15 05:46

  • runningL

    2024-3-14 14:10