#1 - 2016-4-13 20:24
Reliability, performance and stability improvements.

Support for Visual Voicemail on Dual SIM phones.

Improvements for Bluetooth connectivity, including the reliability of connecting to and staying connected with Bluetooth devices.
Fix for a problem that caused audio playback to get occasionally interrupted in Groove Music and other music apps when phone display was turned off.

Improvements for Microsoft Edge browser, including support for configuring a prompt before a file download occurs, support for background downloads, and a fix for a problem where opening a link from an another app wouldn’t load the web page.

Reliability improvements for Cortana reading text messages aloud and usability improvements for Quiet Hours feature.

Improvements for Store reliability, including a fix for a problem that prevented some apps from being updated and installed.

Fix for a problem that occasionally caused some apps to show blank tiles after upgrading from Windows Phone 8.1.

Improvements for PC connectivity via USB on some phones that were upgraded from Windows Phone 8.1.

#2 - 2016-4-13 22:53

#3 - 2016-4-14 00:15
因为已归入正式版,所以 insider preview 不再追踪 TH2 渠道更新。
据说本周推送新 RS1。
#4 - 2016-4-14 01:18
= 。=  哦,不关我的事……(该买新设备了?(MS换个设计师我就买(真的