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Chapter I
p-adic numbers 1
1. Basic concepts 1
2. Metrics on the rational numbers 2
3. Review of building up the complex numbers 8
4. The field of p-adic numbers 10
5. Arithmetic in Qp 14
2def ord_p (x)  ps: ord behave alike log
def || ||_p:=1/{1/{p^ord_p (x)}} (prop: || ||_p is  a norm)
def non-Archimedean norm: <=max
Theo Ostrowski
TO证明思路:case1:存在范数大于1的正整数找最小元组成基,任意整数展在这组基上有||n||<=n^αC → ||n||<=n^α → ||n||=n^α范数等价绝对值case2:所有正整数的范数小于等于1,找最小的范数小于1的整数(存在性由非平凡得到)该整数必为素数→其他素数的范数为1done
3生词:cumbersomeQ_p的代数闭包不完备(why?)intervene( Ге́льфонд:characterizing Qp-linear field automorphisms of Ω, remain unanswered.)24.08止步于此
4Q_p(set of equivalence classes)等价类的范数由极限定义,极限的存在性由等腰三角形性质祷出。(Q_p与R完备化的区别:前者范数取值仍然在p的幂次并零,后者已在全R中取值)def +-*,乘的逆元只需取恒不为零的柯西列的戴表元逐项取逆。(想法:取Q代数闭包的| |_p完备化如何?讨论后的结论:Q代数闭包上没有padicnorm)T2特区代表元的唯一性Lemma25.08跳步于此p进制展开写法26.08止/尾项收敛⇔级数收敛Q_p,展开等价⇔逐项等,"Teichmiiller representatives"(Ex13)
5四则运算,平方根2708Hensel's lemma根判别法牛顿法

Chapter II
p-adic interpolation of the Riemann zeta-function 21
1. A formula for ζ(2k) 22
2. p-adic interpolation of the function f(s) =a^s 26
3. p-adic distributions 30
4. Bernoulli distributions 34
5. Measures and integration 36
6. The p-adic ζ-function as a Mellin-Mazur transform 42
7. A brief survey (no proofs) 47

Chapter III
Building up Ω 52
1. Finite fields
2. Extension of norms 57
3. The algebraic closure of Qp 66
4. Ω 71

Chapter IV
p-adic power series 76
1. Elementary functions 76
2. The logarithm, gamma and Artin-Hasse exponential functions 87
3. Newton polygons for polynomials 97
4. Newton polygons for power series 98

Chapter V
Rationality of the zeta-function of a set of equations
over a finite field 109
1. Hypersurfaces and their zeta-functions 109
2. Characters and their lifting 116
3. A linear map on the vector space of power series 118
4. p-adic analytic expression for the zeta-function 122
5. The end of the proof 125
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