2021-5-14 14:34 /
For real simple scripts, they can run with
`java Hello.java`, or `java --source 11 Hello.java` if not.

And they can be saved without ".java" suffix and with shebang:
#!/usr/bin/java --source 11

I still not have a clear clue with the "--source 11" craziness, yet how to run
jdb with such settings.

That is what JEP 330 comes.


To create a basic maven project, write something like this in "pom.xml":
All fields are mandatory. Verify settings with `mvn help:effective-settings`.

In maven jargon, the target thing -- help:effective-settings -- is a "goal". Other useful goals are `compile` and `package`.

Then we can write something in directory "src/main/java"

Debian java libs do not work out of box. That is why I turned to maven. I put some hope for [https://wiki.debian.org/Java/SensibleJava], which is nice, but I did not manage to make IntelliJ play along. So maven it goes!

We may put this inside "pom.xml" between <project></project>:
Here the other fields are somewhat needed in a way or another. The only thing that is important is "systemPath".

Maven has a central repository. Packages can be retrieved there.

Now comes the settings that we tell maven how to use local installed java libs.
<!-- ~/.m2/settings.xml -->
If we change what is between <id></id> to "central", it can mask the builtin http://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2 repo, yay!