Silicon Valley (Season 3)

ep.3 Meinertzhagen's Haversack

时长: / 首播:
The team visit the data center where Pied Piper box would be stored, along with one engineer on site for 24/7 support. Further appalled by this prospect, Richard continues to push his idea of Pied Piper as a platform versus the box appliance, but Jack refuses. Upon learning this, Gilfoyle quits and begins to receive several job offers and gifts from recruiters. In an attempt to have Jack's decision reverted, Richard meets with Laurie who turns out to agree with Richard's vision that Pied Piper should be a platform. However, Laurie's influence is limited as firing a recently appointed senior CEO would make the company look bad. In one of his job interviews Gilfoyle finds himself at Endframe, now employing two of the coders from Hooli, and Gilfoyle learns that they have cracked Richard's middle-out algorithm. Gilfoyle reports back to his old team at Pied Piper and they decide on what they call a Skunkworks project: to secretly pursue the original vision for Pied Piper alongside working on the box appliance, seemingly complying with Jack's order. Jared refers to Meinertzhagen's Haversack, cautioning everyone to act inconspicuously, and to destroy all traces of their conspiracy. However, upon entering their office space the next morning, Richard trips, and incriminating documents which he had meant to shred are spread all over the floor and brought to Jack's attention.

吐槽箱 3

#1 - 2016-5-9 18:27
(SHAFT系動畫小組 →
#2 - 2016-5-13 09:55
Richard坑货,每次都让我好尴尬= =
#3 - 2016-7-9 13:45
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