Rectify Season 3

ep.5 The Future

时长:00:45:25 / 首播:2015-08-06
Immediately regretting his sabotage of the pool job, Daniel starts repainting it the following morning. However, Melvin explains to Amantha that the other tenants of the apartment complex want Daniel out by the end of that day, a decision with which he must comply because Daniel is not on the lease. Nonetheless, Daniel resolves to finish the pool job before he goes. Teddy starts seeing the therapist on his own, and explores his anxieties of losing Tawney. Tawney moves back in with her old foster mother temporarily, but Teddy offers to let her stay in their house while he moves elsewhere. Janet gives both Teds the ultimatum that they must allow Daniel to stay at the Holden-Talbot house for his last two weeks before exile, and openly acknowledges Teddy's assault for the first time. Following his investigations, Sheriff Daggett interviews Daniel and explains that he believes Trey murdered George Melton (which is false). Later he obtains a warrant to search Trey's home, and police do so in the presence of Trey's wife and daughter. Daniel, Amantha, Jon, Janet and Jared gather at the finished pool that night, before Daniel moves out of the apartment, and Daniel asks his mother if she would like to go on a "road trip" to Tennessee with him.
