Sleepy Hollow (Season 1)

ep.2 Blood Moon

时长: / 首播:2013-09-23
The demon who killed Deputy Andy brings him back to life to aid in the resurrection of Serilda of Abadon, the high priestess of the dark coven, who had been captured (with the help of Ichabod's wife Katrina) and burned at the stake. Serilda has until the turn of the blood moon to obtain the ashes of the descendants of the men who killed her, and Abbie and Ichabod confront the witch in the subterranean tunnels underneath the sheriff's station as she attempts to complete her revival ritual. Abbie has a vision of Sheriff Corbin, who tells her not to be afraid of "49".

吐槽箱 2

#1 - 2013-9-25 13:35
这女巫费了大力气复活,然后就……So sad~偷工减料节省成本也不能这样啊。
#2 - 2014-12-3 09:12
非得等人家复活又把人家烧死一次,这次连遗言都没有了,怕是再也不能复活了= =