CardForge 游戏

  • 平台: PC
  • 游戏类型: 集换式卡牌游戏
  • 游玩人数: 1


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    CardForge 是一个由玩家自制的万智牌AI对战游戏。

    Forge lets you play the card game Magic: The Gathering against a computer opponent with full rules enforcement. Forge runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, etc...

    This is very different than playing solitare Magic with Apprentice or Magic Workstation because the AI will attack and play spells. Currently there are over 10,000 cards ranging from old power cards like Ancestral Recall and Lightning Bolt and newer cards like planeswalkers. The user interface is basic, but it does let you download all of the cards pictures and view them while playing the game.

    (If you don't know how to play Magic: The Gathering download this windows demo or from here. Also checkout the YouTube videos at The main website for Magic: The Gathering is

    You can also play sealed deck, draft, or the new quest mode. In draft mode the AI drafts for the 7 other opponents and builds the decks from the cards that it chooses. In the quest mode you start out with a few cards and the more games that you play the more that you win. As you get more cards you can update and change your deck.

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    by SAN值求换RP 2013-6-12 14:06 (+0)
    游戏提供quest游戏方式,可以让玩家通过一次次对战获得卡牌,组成自己的卡组。 同样游戏也提供直接组成自己想要的卡组和AI对战,AI的卡组很丰富,当没有人可以对战的时候,玩CardForge也十分有趣。 你不可能一直能够虐人,但你可以一直虐电脑。(bgm38) 游戏本体一 ... (more)



    secondrun 玩过 @ 2016-12-5 21:24


    SAN值求换RP 玩过 @ 2014-1-8 21:16

    我想我已经不会再玩它了... 可惜

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