A Fine and Private Place 小说

  • 中文名: 美好的私密之地
  • 别名: 美好的秘密之地
  • 完美私密地
  • 心地よく秘密めいた場所
  • 出版社: World Publishing Company
  • 发售日: 1971


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An ordinary day in Gloucestershire holds a half century of secrets and lies in this crafty and well-crafted mystery, when a skeleton turns up in a field outside the old village of Tolland. A dogtag beside it in the earth bears the name Ben Gordheimer, a young American soldier who disappeared—and was dishonorably discharged for desertion—during the war fifty years before. To complicate matters for the police team of Keith Tyrell, the adept and ambitious Detective Inspector sent to Tolland, the investigation into the G.I.'s death unearths a second, much more recent corpse whose identity and identification as a blackmailer sets the entire village even more on edge. While Tyrell discovers the killer, long dead, of the G.I. quickly enough, the village of Tolland itself proves to be a harder case to crack. The repercussions of the old murder continue to haunt the memories and disturb the souls of Tolland's inhabitants, while the fact that another killer is dwelling in their midst troubles the placidity of their closely knit daily lives. Their distrust of Tyrell's inquiry and of the avid press only reinforces their tight-lipped secrecy. Tyrell has problems of his own as well, with the envy and betrayals of internal politics among the members of his police team increasingly impeding the progress of the investigation. Neither the village nor Tyrell realizes, though, just how quickly time is running out for them in this case. Then a third dead body further rouses once-sleepy Tolland and confronts the beleaguered Tyrell with another nasty case of murder.

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旅夜 @ 2023-9-2 12:32

小说评价: 奎因的最终一作。很有情怀感。 plot层面紧凑曲折而包含各种致敬要素,trick层面则是将某一常见的手法进行了由量到质的应用。 就推理质量而言,属于后期的良心作。第一案子中几处细节展开的推理尚可窥见奎因的功力。之后便是一些线索层面的反转,以及,排山倒海而来的——红鲱鱼。好多鱼,好多鱼的那种。(9命,奎因太9了!) 有意思的是,记得希腊棺材里,奎因不断栽跟头不断重振旗鼓继续推理的桥段,而在本作中奎因又被凶手设绊,但最终胜负手打平。细细读来相当有感触。 最后一句话,即便有读者能猜到,也依然有着悍然的余味。

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