Watership Down 小说

  • 中文名: 沃特希普荒原
  • 别名: 海底沉舟
  • 海底沉船
  • 飞向月亮的兔子
  • 兔子共和国
  • 出版社: Avon Books
  • 发售日: 1975
  • 作者: Richard Adams


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One of the most beloved novels of our time, Richard Adams s Watership Down takes us to a world we have never truly seen: to the remarkable life that teems in the fields, forests and riverbanks far beyond our cities and towns. It is a powerful saga of courage, leadership and survival; an epic tale of a hardy band of adventurers forced to flee the destruction of their fragile community...and their trials and triumphs in the face of extraordinary adversity as they pursue a glorious dream called "home." Watership Down is a remarkable tale of exile and survival, of heroism and leadership...the epic novel of a group of adventurers who desert their doomed city, and venture forth against all odds on a quest for a new home, a sturdier future,





先生 读过 @ 2022-9-7 08:37


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