Consuming Spirits 剧场版

  • 话数: 1
  • 上映年度: 2012-12-12(美国)
  • 片长: 136分钟
  • 导演: Chris Sullivan
  • 主演: Robert Levy


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Consuming Spirits 16mm to HD, is an Independent feature animation, chronicling the lives of three characters who live in a rust belt town called Magguson, and work at its local newspaper The Daily Suggester. They are: Gentian Violet 42: Victor Blue 38: and Earl gray 64: first appear to be acquaintances. But as the film unfolds, we find they have a long diabolical history, revolving around social service intervention, and foster care, romance and hatred. Each character has family secrets to hide, and family secrets to discover. An auto accident one dark and inebriated night, causes a crack in the memory vault of these intimate strangers. By films end all parties walk from the woods, both healed and wounded..enjoy..

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矮木油希希 想看 @ 2014-9-2 19:47


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