The Big Bang Theory (Season 7)

ep.20 The Relationship Diremption

时长:00:20:59 / 首播:2014-04-10
Raj and Howard double-date so that the Wolowitzes can meet Emily before Raj scares her off. At first Raj is afraid that Howard is going to joke about his shortcomings, however, Howard ends up to be the butt of all the jokes. He had been on a blind date with Emily and due to a stomach problem, he severely messed up her bathroom and ran out on her. Howard was given the nickname "Clogzilla".

Due to the latest big bang theory discoveries, Sheldon begins to believe he has wasted his life trying to prove string theory. Taking Penny's advice, he decides to get rid of all his string theory books and move on to a new field of study. Leonard and Penny tell him not to rush into something new. Eventually, Amy puts a drunken Sheldon to bed. When he wakes up he finds that he is in bed with a book on geology, a subject he believes is not real science. He also discovers that he made many drunk-calls to Stephen Hawking's telephone.

Recurring characters: John Ross Bowie as Barry Kripke and Laura Spencer as Emily
Guest star: Stephen Hawking as himself

Title reference: Sheldon referencing his work on string theory as if it were a failed relationship.

吐槽箱 6

#1 - 2014-4-12 09:56
What a jackass(bgm38)
#2 - 2014-4-12 15:13
totally a jackass.
#3 - 2014-4-13 00:21
#4 - 2019-3-31 02:57
(俺は不本意を愛していた ​​​​)
#5 - 2020-2-17 15:57
#6 - 2022-2-23 20:59
喜欢这一集!本来第 7 季中段质量有明显滑坡,我都不抱期待了……没想到这一集这么精彩,笑点和信息量都很密集,给人时长变长了的感觉!XD 学术上的打击好真实,让观众觉得这几个是正儿八经真的在做学术,平时插科打诨都是茶余饭后的事情。