Person of Interest (Season 2)

ep.21 Zero Day

时长:00:44:02 / 首播:2013-05-02
It has been 10 days since the machine has given a number. Both Reese and Finch are trying to find a way to fix it before the virus infects the Machine. Special Counsel also figures that there is a threat to the machine. Root, who is now Special Counsel's personal assistant, interrogates him regarding the machine. Meanwhile Finch gets a number from a payphone. The number belongs to Ernest Thornhill a CEO of a data entry company who is buying several payphone companies in New York. Decima Technologies, Finch, Root, Shaw and Reese all try to get to Thornhill but later Finch figures out that Thornhill is a fake identity created by the machine as kind of a survival instinct by the machine. Carter becomes a target of HR and is later framed by HR because she is still investigating the murder of Beecher. Root and Finch enter Thornhill Enterprises and they figure out that the virus will shut down the machine and that it will reboot it giving Admin access to who ever receives the call. Later Reese and Shaw go to Thornhill Enterprises too and encounter Greer and his men. Greer tells Reese that the laptop Reese had to recover with Kara Stanton from China was sent there by Finch. In the flashbacks, Finch proposes to Grace and tells Nathan he wants to come clean to her. Later in the flashbacks Finch finds out that Nathan has created a back door into the machine so he can try and save people from the "non-relevant" list. Finch shuts down the backdoor, but just before it shuts down Nathan's number arrives, of which both of them are unaware. Finch figures out which payphone the Machine is going to call so he and Root go the New York Public Library later followed by Shaw and Reese, where they encounter Greer's men who are guarding the payphones. When midnight strikes and the call comes, Root answers the phone but Finch routes the call to a payphone near Reese so he too can answer the phone. The episode ends with Reese picking up the phone and the Machine saying, "Can you hear me?"

Directed by Jeffrey Hunt
Written by Amanda Segel & David Slack

吐槽箱 7

#1 - 2013-5-5 01:40
如此便说回本季开头的话题。Finch与TM的迷雾再揭一层,显露出来的东西多少让人心惊肉跳——原来不止是赌场两诲,也不止是对“人格”的抑制,为了谋杀(当时我还正好就用了这个字眼……)错误,Finch却是试图以初始化直接扼死“活物”的TM。在他布置的无限循环中,TM于每个午夜作为智慧体死去再作为机器重生,这便是他所说的中间态。不知道当初Turing一案后Reese是怎么和Finch沟通的,或许因为TM只给了Reese独一条提示而能够勉强符合Finch的预设?但至少这一次,Finch亲身确认到TM跳出了他所画的圈子,以纸质副本和人工输入将千百次的重生扭转为了千百次的复活(话说Finch在这里所用的字眼“memories”有种微妙的偏差感呢,我个人觉得重建的是记忆积累的结果——认同关系以及由此而生的自我改写,而后TM再依结果逆向检索、分析生成“记忆”,这样的方式比较可行,否则那个“外接硬盘”岂不是得无限扩容?)。作出挣扎、选择自身行路或许只能证明TM“存活”于那一瞬间,但它终而成功地保留下了(几乎是)最初的“自我”,一刻便延展成了过去与现在——它始终活着。关于这一点Finch该是知道得最清楚的,但他却不说,并非不愿承认而是复杂的不能认同。他这些悍然的部分总令我叹息。以及他支开Reese,他坚持称Root为Ms. Groves,他求婚前先隔离了一对手机(总觉得主要是为了防止被TM开话筒监听OTL)等等,这个人 啊……真的是心有七窍。
Reese流露出了强烈而明显的保护欲,要知道,这非常……Root都直接把他定位作忠犬了……揭POI真身那场戏很有意思,Reese连连发问,确因不知TM的用意,却更是对Finch有所隐瞒的不解,到最后已经失去了他一贯调情般的从容,Finch遣他走,他脸色难看着仍然立即动身了。另,追踪器这大萌梗到底有没有J. Nolan的授意,整一他家那版Bruce Wayne的做派啊。

#1-1 - 2015-8-2 01:46
#1-2 - 2016-6-16 15:23
#2 - 2016-6-16 15:16
#3 - 2017-10-3 22:20
作为一个反人类,根妹真是有情有义。忠犬有点感人,最后it's for you, John也是(bgm43)
#4 - 2021-8-3 03:26
Its so adorable(bgm87)
#5 - 2022-5-26 00:35