2023-3-26 11:58 /

点名一些我发现的比较有意思的地方吧:一直有传言说关继威是演了成龙不要的角色。先不论这说法的真假,但我认为重要的是,成龙在Waymond的角色上绝对无法比关继威更出色。关继威,不愧为奥斯卡赢家,一直把那种父亲优柔寡断的弱小感把握的很到位。他的细嗓音对这方面功不可没,尤其是最后他劝解Evelyn "be kind" 的温柔,真的像极了很多家庭父亲卑微但无比重要的角色。纵观全片,Waymond在性格上与他老婆水火不相容,但他们仍旧互相欣赏并成就了对方,很奇迹也很令我感动(有点像我喜欢的黑桐干也哈哈)。

关于女主角Evelyn,我觉得她最成功,也是这部片子最巧的点子,是在于很好的结合了Asian Stereotypes into the theme. It is Evelyn, who is portrayed as a conventional Asian mother, strict and abusive, causing such a mess. Now, she determined, no matter subjectively or forced, to step up and confront all her consequences. She destroyed her daughter, "Joy", and almost, fell into the illusion or the abduction. I once believed that the movie would end in much earlier scenes. Truly, I acknowledge that some people argue that this movie did not end properly, in which it still exploited a cliche of "love", that healed EVERYTHING no matter what destructions, or despair, or the universe itself. However, I believe, by using "love" to end has the flaws stated above, but it also adds more complexity to the film.

"Complexity" or just a sense of confusion is one of the most phenomenal characteristics of this film. The movie packs every single detail in two hours, capturing the mind so that you don't have any moment to be indulged into thinking about what happened, but to focus on what is happening next. It somehow conceals some logical flaws throughout, but meanwhile pushes the audience to somehow mimic the "mental explosions" of Evelyn and Joy. I cannot be more obsessed with the uncountable montages that demonstrate the tumult inside Evelyn and Joy, as I relate myself struggling to focus on a single stuff. Worth mentioning, the montages include some weird or humorous scenes, such as the hot dog fingers, I believe they all add a sense to the absurdism, which superficially corresponds when Evelyn receives huge amount of information and more deeply to this sci-fi worldview.

Discussing the ending a little more, the first place that tricked me was at the black scene showing "the end". I should have not been tricked, as the story was just not complete at all. The second was definitely during the conversation of rocks. I believe this is undoubtedly my favorite part of the movie. The fact that it is voiceless, and preserving in a lifeless universe, digs deep into nihilism. I believe this may be the best ending if solely viewing it, but it stops the further depiction of the characters. Things all changed as Waymond began to explode, like pushing down the dominos, then Evelyn, and ultimately Joy. This part is unrealistic and over optimistically portrayed in a sense of losing some of its seriousness and deep emotions established beforehand. But given the fact that the movie is commercially filmed, it is understandable to create a happy ending after all. If to closely examine each character's names, I find much sarcasm: Joy is absolutely not joyful, because all the expectations from her mom, Evelyn, which to me stands for "Evil".

Now, it is legitimate for me to ask myself: why did all these, what I wrote, what I watched matter? I guess the answer provided by the movie, is that, because of people and things we still love or hold passion towards. As I am writing, I love to reflect how I feel and think about this movie. As you are reading, you love to find empathy in my shallow words~
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